5" Gutter Clean Retrofit
Gutter Clean Retrofit is used when a 5" gutter has already been installed. Place the front lip of the Gutter Clean Retrofit over the top lip of a gutter and fasten. The back edge of the Gutter Clean Retrofit has an expander strip that's pushed towards the fascia board.
Recommended Products: Fasten the front edge using 1/2" zip screws or 3/8" stainless pan head phillips screws.
Length: 10'
Color: Mill finish
Note: This item is available for pickup & delivery only through our website. You can pick up at one of our three locations. We offer local delivery to CT, MA and RI for $495 minimum orders plus a $75 surcharge. To ship via freight, call us at 860.447.9678 or email info@yostmfg.com to place an order.